l  Full-time professor(work an academic year or more)

l  Part-time professor

Key Responsibilities

l  Work as a full-time foreign expert in SHUPL for at least three months.

l  Engage in research actively in cooperation with the faculty of SHUPL.

l  Give 2 or 3 lectures every semester for the teachers and graduates.

l  Do best to build international cooperation projects between SHUPL and international universities.

Required Qualifications

l  Master degree or J.D. , doctoral degree

l  Experience in legal practice

l  Teaching experience


l  Salary: depends

l  Free accommodation on campus


For more information, please feel free to contact us.

Tel: 86-21-39220098, E-mail: shuplgjc@shupl.edu.cn ,shuplfao@126.com

Waiqingsong Road No. 7989 , Shanghai, PR China,


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